1 (edited by rsoandrew 2012-04-23 05:51:31)

Topic: Windows Users Guide to Backing Up Widgets and other files

I have two Chumby Ones. I only use them for a couple of widgets and Pandora. I just bought a couple of non-working Chumby 8s off eBay and stumbled across this forum when I was looking for dis-assembly instructions. I saw the information about the pending shutdown and I figured I had better backup the widgets that I liked for use with Zurk's offline firmware for the Chumby One and the Chumby 8.

Using the search and several threads, I came up with these instructions that I think are easier for the linux novices like myself. Experts (Duane & Zurk) please let me know other things that should be backed up and I'll edit this thread.

Get and install the program called WinSCP

Now enable SSH on your Chumby.
     Chumby One - click Settings, then Chumby Info, then the faint Pi symbol in the upper right, then SSHD
     Chumby 8 - Click the Settings gear (upper right), then Device Info, then the faint Pi symbol in the upper right, then SSHD
The Chumby icon will appear for a minute and then disappear.

Write down the IP address for your Chumby from  the Chumby info screen.
Start WinSCP. Where is says Host Name enter the IP address your wrote down earlier. Where is says User Name enter "root" without the quotation marks. Then Click Login at the bottom.

You are now looking at your local drive on the left (point it to where you want to save the files) and your Chumby drive on the right. For some reason the default directory on the Chumby is not the root directory. Just double click the very top entry (with arrow pointing up and ..) to get to the root directory.

Now back up your widgets by dragging the mnt directory to your local drive. The widget are actually in a sub directory of this one - specifically /mnt/storage/widgetcache.

You now have your widgets and at least basic experience using SSH to get into your Chumby. This will probably be important in the future.