Topic: Any reason why the Squeeze Sensor can't get you *out* of the CP?

I'm getting the sense that the squeeze sensor is just a switch, yes?  No strain gages, no pots, nothing super-tweaky, yes?

So I squeeze my chumby to get to the control panel.  Then I putz around changing channels and cueueing up music and such.  And then I tap tap tap tap my way out of the control panel and I'm back to where I started.

So... how come I can squeeze the chumby to get *into* the control panel... but not back out?  If it just dumped you back into whatever channel you currently have selected, it would make working with the CP a lot quicker...

Slave to the Light, Inc.
Los Angeles & Seattle USA

Re: Any reason why the Squeeze Sensor can't get you *out* of the CP?

This will be addressed to some degree in the next beta of the Control Panel.