Topic: Alarm bug? Alarm goes off a day after it was used

Twice now I think I've noticed my Chumby doing something weird. I use it as an alarm clock, and generally turn the alarm mode on at night and off when it goes off in the morning, possibly after a couple of snoozes. However, this weekend the alarm went off - at something close to but not quite the usual weekday time - and I woke up, but I hadn't turned it on - and when I went to the alarm screen to turn it off, it wasn't turned on in the first place!

Has anyone else seen this? I'm wondering if something like snooze -> turn off before snooze fires leads to some kind of alarm being set which re-fired the next day, even though the alarm wasn't turned on.

Re: Alarm bug? Alarm goes off a day after it was used

I've been having the same issue - alarm going off when it's not set.

Haven't figured it out yet.