Topic: Drag & Drop in Manage Apps not working (for me)

On the website I used to be able to drag & drop to change the order of the apps in a channel, but now it is not working (at least it's not working for me).

Manage apps in ‘default’ channel:
Drag and drop apps to change play order.

Is there a browser issue of have others found this issue, and if so, is there a way to rearrange the order of the apps?

Marc Silverman
New York City |
MY POWER TEAM: Macintosh, iPhone, Chumby, Geocaching, WheresGeorge.

Re: Drag & Drop in Manage Apps not working (for me)

Drag and Drop is broken on the administrative website.


Re: Drag & Drop in Manage Apps not working (for me)

I'm looking into this.   No site code has changed for that in years so probably a browser behavior change.