1 (edited by pduncan67 2020-12-23 07:38:21)

Topic: Local Weather Radar - not loading

Can you please look at the Local Weather Radar widget?  It has not been loading images for a few days.
Since all I have is my work laptop, and they have disallowed Flash, I can’t configure it to try another source image.  So I do not know if the error is because my image source location is down or not…
It says “load failed: Load never completed error 404...", and then gives a path back to the Chumby domain.
I get the error on my C1 and C8

Re: Local Weather Radar - not loading

NOAA changed their RADAR page and broke a lot of things. I'm guessing that's what's broken this widget as well. Unless the developer is still around and can re-do the thing, there may be no hope for this one.

Re: Local Weather Radar - not loading

harmlessgryphon wrote:

NOAA changed their RADAR page and broke a lot of things. I'm guessing that's what's broken this widget as well. Unless the developer is still around and can re-do the thing, there may be no hope for this one.

Darn.  OK thanks

Re: Local Weather Radar - not loading

Yeah, the NWS "upgraded" their radar service, called RIDGE, to RIDGE II a couple of weeks ago.  Unlike the old system which had simple URLs to access radar images that could be simply fetched by a simple client, they made a "better" interactive web experience while degrading the access of data for third-parties.

The images are apparently still posted, but as TIFF files packed in archives, keyed by the weather station identifier.  This means that it's no longer a simple fetch for a PNG or JPEG to get a single timely image.

This follows a trend for the last few years where easy public access to taxpayer-funded government services have been degraded, presumably in favor of licensing.  The new system is still technically publicly available, but now requires some hoops to jump through to use it.

Re: Local Weather Radar - not loading

Even the TIFF files are just the overlay data without the map underneath. It's totally useless for anyone that used the previous data.

What's left of Unisys no longer publishes any RADAR images, Weather Underground decided to can their API, and now NOAA dumps RIDGE in favor of some disgustingly slow turd that takes so long to load that the weather you're interested in has passed (not really, but it's slow.)

I'd say the RADAR images for Chumby are dead.

Re: Local Weather Radar - not loading

I use the URL Image widget by derossi to get local radar images.
Sorry but I cannot get to the settings (my laptop has flash disabled).
But I have used this to get still images of my local radar for years.

Re: Local Weather Radar - not loading

I'm still able to pull local RADAR from WeatherUnderground using the "URLImage" app.  It isn't animated but it does display the most recent image.