Topic: C8 touchscreen intermittent
I recently got a used C8. The touchscreen is intermittent. Here is the history.
1.) The first time I powered up, it got to the network screen. I entered my network password, but noticed that screen calibration was off. e.g. if I typed "r" the display might say "e" and so forth. But the network eventually did connect. Then when I got to the activation screen, it would not respond at all.
At that point, I thought I'd try to power cycle it. It went past the various logo screens, briefly displayed the "network connected" screen. And THEN got to the activation screen, which again would not respond. I repeated this sequence several times, always with same problem.
2.) I tried "special options" procedure. I got to the touch screen calibration. I touched the four corners and center targets. As soon as I'd touch one, the next one would appear. So it seemed to know it was being touched.
After touching the center target, I got to the "drag the blue ball" test. I was never able to get the ball to move out of the first circle! I tried my finger with varying amounts of pressure. I tried the rubber eraser of a pencil (thinking it was a smaller diameter so maybe more accurate to read). No luck. No matter what I did, I couldn't move the ball.
On that same "ball check" screen there is a button in the lower right that says "retry." Pushing that also did nothing. The button, the blue ball, and the two circles, all remained on the screen. Eventually (after maybe 30 seconds) the screen clears and goes back to the first target in the upper left corner.
I've repeated this sequence several times, always with the same problem. I'm guessing that either the screen is not calibrating correctly, is outputting wrong data (e.g. some area of the screen is "stuck"), or else is not passing its data to other parts of the firmware except for the calibration screen.
Any other history similar to this? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!