Topic: Chumby One Wifi dying?
My old most used Chumby One is constantly disconnecting from my wifi and/or restarts. It has been getting worse over time. Can the wifi go bad on these units? I am pretty sure my network is fine. Any ideas?
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chumbysphere forum → Service, Warranty & Repair → Chumby One Wifi dying?
My old most used Chumby One is constantly disconnecting from my wifi and/or restarts. It has been getting worse over time. Can the wifi go bad on these units? I am pretty sure my network is fine. Any ideas?
Is the device entirely rebooting, or is it just the Control Panel restarting?
Anytime I hear about a C1 misbehaving, I think about the power supply capacitor problems.
Is the device entirely rebooting, or is it just the Control Panel restarting?
Just the control panel. Sometimes it fixes itself, sometimes it goes to the create a new connection settings screen.
It's very possible that's a power supply starting to die - occasionally dropping voltage enough to lose the USB/Wifi, but not enough for a full reboot.
Thanks, I just ordered a power supply from your store.
Thanks, I just ordered a power supply from your store.
If that doesn't fix it, you can return it.
Despite the new power supply, my Chumby rarely makes it to the last widget without restarting to the "checking network status" octopus screen. It doesn't restart when in sleep mode. Any other ideas?
Did you try bringing it closer to the router to see if it helps? You can also try an Ethernet adapter to see if that works better and at least you can check to see if the wifi card is the problem.
I had a slight problem with my CC when I took it down stairs in a back room. The wifi card didn't seem to be as sensitive as the C1. If the power adapter didn't fix the problem it seems like the wifi card may be the next place to look. I think some have plugged in a wifi adapter in the USB to bypass the internal wifi card. Don't have details for that fix.
One last thought: I think the router cache on some router units get full and you may need to reboot the entire system and let it rerecognize the chumby. Some have limits to how many devices can log on in a given timeframe.
Please try a different channel, maybe with some simple clocks - you *might* have a widget that's causing some sort of memory leak or crash.
Thanks for the replies. I have a spare Infocast 3.5 that I am going to try in the same location as the chumby one. If the Infocast works fine, then I will assume the chumby one has a hardware problem.
one point, the wifi is on a USB connected card, in the C1, so you could swap it out with something compatible.
I think I have a spare wifi module for a Chumby One. If you determine it is a hardware issue, you are in the USA, are willing to pay cost of shipment, and I can actually find the darn thing, it MIGHT solve your problem. Let me know...
Looks like you are in the USA, so that makes it easier.
Please try a different channel, maybe with some simple clocks - you *might* have a widget that's causing some sort of memory leak or crash.
I have noticed that the Gizmodo widget seems to crash it sometimes.
I bought this wifi dongle on eBay: … EBIDX%3AIT
It seems to make my situation better. Maybe it will help someone else with similar symptoms.
chumbysphere forum → Service, Warranty & Repair → Chumby One Wifi dying?
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