Topic: Music Player Functionality: content selection
Howdy: Connecting my iPod to my Chumby and utilizing it as a boom-box of sorts, was a major interest of mine when purchasing my 'lil guy. I like the other forum voices all piping-up to request easier offline use of Chumby for this purpose- 'cuz I share in that interest, too.
Namely however, the interface options to control my iPod, seem a little too little.
I don't know if the issue is so much that without Apple licensed software, information more granular than "All Music" or "All Podcasts" or "PlaylistA, PlaylistB, PlaylistC, etc." is not able to be parsed... but it would be super-duper nice to be able to choose which artists, albums, and podcasts I can listen to, without being kind of forced into one of the huge buckets of playing only ALL my music, or ALL of my podcasts, or one of the few playlists I've set-up.
Is it a licensing or patent issue... or is this functionality just not yet on the proverbial marker-board? Any hacks out there yet? I can't code, but would be happy to contribute IxD/GUI to a hack.