1 (edited by bobsz 2012-04-05 22:49:02)

Topic: Getting my widgets etc

I'm SSHing into my Chumby to try to get the widgets that I've "personalized" with zip code, etc. I'm having trouble getting into the URLs I find. I just noticed PuTTY is "truncating" a lot of the ID numbers. Anyone know of a problem like that? I could find my profile for one channel online easily last month, but I don't know what I might be doing wrong now.

Here's the kind of thing that's truncated:

user id="2xxxxx-Axxx-11FD-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx">bobsz</user><info type="|<- truncated from 4663 characters

And another one: I can't get into my Chumby's widget cache, because I think I don't know the right commands. This what I do and what I get:

/mnt/storage/widgetcache/: Permission denied


Re: Getting my widgets etc

In the second case, if you're just entering the path into the command prompt, then that's not a command, and that's the sort of error you get form Busybox.

If you're trying to move to that directory, you'd do "cd /mnt/storage/widgetcache".

In the first item, that looks like the output of the Flash Player for trace() statements.  The Flash Player truncates long strings for trace output.