Topic: Chumby8 and USB BT dongle... where to start

I bought a Chumby8 recently, with the sole purpose of streaming pandora to the house speakers. I already have a BT/Stereo adapter connected to the house amp, and routinely use phones and laptops to stream music to it.

I bought a Medialink BT USB adapter ( MUA-BA3 ) and was hoping I could plug it into the back of the Chumby8 and allow the chumby to stream music to the BT adapter.

I found some old posts on the forums about the bluez protocol stack and chumby but nothing detailed, and nothing for Chumby8 ( is there much of a difference between the two kernels?).

Does anyone have some suggestions or a guide on how I can get my USB BT dongle in my Chumby8 to pair,and then stream all sound to the paired device?


Re: Chumby8 and USB BT dongle... where to start

I unfortunately don't have the time to devote to this right now (and also am lacking in BT dongles to test with), but there's a post on this thread/page with links to the BlueZ download page including v2.25 drivers, which are apparently the newest that the Chumby can use.  If you already have Scratchbox set up on your Chumby 8, it hopefully shouldn't be too hard to compile BlueZ on there.

One of these days I'll probably get around to doing it myself, but I'd not suggest holding your breath -- I like to bury myself in projects, and am currently doing a pretty good job of it big_smile

Re: Chumby8 and USB BT dongle... where to start

I'll work on getting scratchbox setup I guess. I'm not much of a linux guy. I suppose I build .ko files, and then install them? probably have to copy some bins somewhere too so I can get the hcmi tool?