1 (edited by bobsz 2012-02-17 20:47:09)

Topic: Developers and hackers, please stay around

I'm still hoping somebody can come up with some ways we can use our devices if the Chumby servers are unavailable at some time.  I know you guys haven't gotten much help from the company since December. Us users still really do appreciate all you've done.

But in a worst case scenario, if our Chumbys do turn into bricks some day, it would be nice to get them to you folks. I'd have no idea how to alter my Chumbys, though I'm reading as fast as I can. If nothing else, we might be a source of spare parts. So, check back once in a while.

Re: Developers and hackers, please stay around

I wouldn't worry too much. For one thing, Chumby more than almost any other company has been committed to openness and community-building, for another the software is pretty open, and lastly, the devices make people quite loyal.

Re: Developers and hackers, please stay around

I would like to share the optimism of dudek, but when companies run out of money, the servers end up dark, and no amount of commitment to openness is going to keep the servers going.

Re: Developers and hackers, please stay around

pearmaster wrote:

I would like to share the optimism of dudek, but when companies run out of money, the servers end up dark, and no amount of commitment to openness is going to keep the servers going.

But since the Chumby is not a closed, "dumb" device, it is more than capable of functioning (albeit slightly differently, and possibly at a reduced level) even if something were to happen to the servers.

Also, there is no indication that Chumby is "running out of money"... while it's obvious they've trimmed down their staff, Duane is still here faithfully every day, and issues do seem to be getting resolved (even if slowly), so I'd say they're still doing alright.  If we started seeing major hiccups in the service, then I might be concerned.

In response to bobsz's original post... as an experiment, I tried developing an alternate "service" for the Chumby, and have succeeded in at least some rudimentary aspects.  Since I don't know Flash, my solution isn't as elegant or as extensive, but it's a nice proof-of-concept that Chumbies/Infocasts will not become paperweights if something does happen to the service.

Please do not ask me for the code or further information on my "alternate service", as I have no intention of releasing it to the public unless the official Chumby servers do go dark one day.  I'd rather support Chumby and their awesome products so we can keep using the services we know and love (and which are much more refined than my homebrew mess!), and maybe even encourage them to come out with another hardware product some day* big_smile

* Yes I know Duane has stated that they have wanted to get away from the hardware business... but their hardware is sooooo beautiful and awesome, I want more!  12-inch 1280x960 Chumby please?

Re: Developers and hackers, please stay around

I still havent been overly impressed by other vendors attempts to make Chumby compatible hardware.. Both infocasts look like your typical poorly made chinese knockoff.. Even with the original Classic, the One, and esp the Chumby 8, *that* is the quality of product I expected even in the open market.. Sort of like the screen and capacitive touch of the Sony Dash, but its closed off tighter than a drum.. Id find a 10inch chumby with an IPS multitouch screen, a little more video/audio horsepower and perhaps a 1.2g ARM? Make the leap to full Java and QT?... Theres still a place that seems to be gone for a "smart frame" and "passive computing appliance" .. esp if it has high video playback and image quality.. Iv always thought the C was a lot more useful than your typical photoframe and with the demise of Framechannel and Kodak, whats left, predominantely "photo frame islands" with little connectivity except a flash card