Topic: Graphical Programming Without Flash?

I was wondering how hard would it be to create a graphical program on the Chumby without using the flash interface?

Re: Graphical Programming Without Flash?

Not very hard if you know what you're doing. The Chumby's open source software is enough to get started, though you might want to look at graphical toolkits to speed up your adventure.

On my Katamari Chumby, I have played around with several different little graphical diddies. The first graphical program you can look at is simply drawing something to the Linux kernel framebuffer ([Katamari] Chumby creates /dev/fb and is able to be drawn to after you kill the Flash player). Next, you can look at different graphical toolkits (and there are hundreds of them to choose from). Just remember that you're running on a 350MHz computer with no hardware graphics and no hardware floating point and program accordingly.

Re: Graphical Programming Without Flash?

For the richest system I can think of, someone should finish porting Squeak.  I started but didn't get a chance to finish it.

I see that Tim Rowledge is lurking in the forum. Perhaps he can be persuaded - I can't think of anyone more qualified.