Topic: OpenCV 2.2.0 JavaCV

Hello Chumbarians,
I have gotten MyRobotLab to work on a Chumby ...

This includes OpenCV 2.2.0 and the Java interface JavaCV - The cross-compiled binaries are here if anyone wants them.

Cheers !

Re: OpenCV 2.2.0 JavaCV

Hello, wooooooooooooooooooooooo
that's a hell of a job man!
I have read quickly your blog.
What usb camera did you use or did you do frame grabbing between Services?
Sorry but is not clear from the post.
I need to start to play with your project.

Re: OpenCV 2.2.0 JavaCV

Hi robomotic,
Since I was working on this from 2500 miles away, I was not completely familiar with the exact hardware he was using, since I was doing the software remotely.....

I asked Ro-Bot-X if he could post details on the web cam on the comments page of the thread - he did - they are here :

If your interested in starting a project or working together, log in as a member to myrobotlab and let me know...


Oh, and Ro-Bot-X is trying to revive his Chumby after losing the blue smoke ... here -

If you have any ideas let him know...   poor little Chumby....