Topic: Got a Catch-22

I just got my Chumby, and have a Catch-22 issue...

I run MAC filters on my home network, and thus I can't get the Chumby online unless I know its MAC address. I assume that I could see it in the control panel, but Setup won't let me get to the control panel. oops. smile

I can drop my MAC filter so that it'll configure, then get it's MAC and re-apply the filter, but I thought this would be an interesting point to note for other folks.

:: Mark

Re: Got a Catch-22

Yes, we noticed that too.

We're working on a firmware change that will display the MAC address earlier in the WiFi configuration process.

Re: Got a Catch-22

Cool. Thanks Duane!

:: Mark

Re: Got a Catch-22

My MAC address was on the card itself, maybe not so in the production chumbies?

Re: Got a Catch-22

Well, in the production device, it's much tougher to get at the dongle, since the front face doesn't spontaneously fall out like on Katamaris.

In any case, it seems somewhat unreasonable to expect someone to dismantle the device just to get that info.