Topic: Chumbrowser and QT 4.7.x

Dear all,
I've been trying to compile and run a very simple web browser for a Chumby8 using  Qt 4.7.3 and Qt 4.7.1 with no apparent success.

The problem is that most of the time the browser crashes with a segmentation fault which turns out to be triggered by at least certain combinations of proper css commands.  Moreover, my bare bone browser works quite well if linked against Qt 4.6.3, which suggests that the problem probably  really lies in the newer version of the  Qt libraries.

However, if I run chumbrowser (which appears to be linked against Qt 4.7.1, isn't it?) everything goes well.

Now, my question is, how did you compile the Qt 4.7.1 libraries already present on the system? Did you patch them somehow?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Chumbrowser and QT 4.7.x

Try to go back and retrace your steps and use this as a guide --> Web Browser ChumbyWiki

3 (edited by Ytsjeam 2011-06-08 03:55:03)

Re: Chumbrowser and QT 4.7.x

Ehm, thanks, but that's exactly what I did. The problem is that while my browser works fairly well if linked against QT 4.6.3, it doesn't if linked against newer versions of the library.

However, on the device there is already a QT 4.7.1-based browser, which implies that both webkit *and* qt 4.7.x *can* work.

My question is: how did they compile QT 4.7.x (*NOT* 4.6.3)? Is it possible to know if they had been  patched somehow?

Thanks in advance.