Topic: Another PATH problem

I added the last two lines below to .profile in /mnt/storage/psp. As I undertand things the last two lines should create the environment variable JAVA_HOME and add the value JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH variable.

Apparently my understsnding is wrong since this is not happening. No JAVA_HOME environment variable and no change to PATH. Nothing I've read has helped me. Can anyone straigthen me out on this? Is another .profile taking effect?

This is happening on an Infocast 8" with the Chumby 8 upgrade.


[lines omitted]
export PS1='\h:\w \$ '

export JAVA_HOME=/mnt/storage/local/ejre1.6.0_25
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Re: Another PATH problem

It seems that on the Infocast 8", .profile is also in root.  It has a symlink " .profile -> /etc/profile".  So, it seems that changes to /mnt/storage/psp/.profile have no effect on the Infocast 8".