Topic: Alarm fires, but no music

For the first time this morning I attempted to use my Chumby One (sw 1.0.5, fw 1.0.3412) as an alarm clock.

I configured it so that it's go off at 6:30am, switch to channel "Default" and play "my music files", "backup off", "snooze off"

The alarm went off... but no music.  Fortunately I had my old alarm clock still plugged in as backup :-)

One thing that might have impact: at night I go to sleep listening to music, so I had the Chumby playing "my music files"  with a timer duration of 30 minutes.  I also had the screen in night mode.

The chumby has been powered for 3 days (it was sitting couch-side for months waiting for me to move it to the bedroom!); this is the first time I've used it "production" as an alarm clock.

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

Hmmm, we'll check that scenario.

What your your music files on - a USB dongle, or something else?  We've seen cases where the USB device seems to go into some hibernation states and dismount.

3 (edited by sweh 2011-05-10 02:38:25)

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

Music was copied to internal storage (/mnt/storage/music - /dev/mmcblk0p6) to avoid this possibility :-)

Hmm, today the alarm didn't fire at all.  It stayed in night mode until my real alarm clock went off.

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

2.8.74 beta control panel solved all my alarm problems.

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

Before I install it, has the Adventurous 2.8.74 Beta Control Panel had all of its bugs exterminated?

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

Hmm, I'll give the beta a try... but last time I loaded it then I found _something_ that irritated me.  Don't recall what, though :-)

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

So I tried the Beta firmware; the alarm fired... and I got alarm beeps rather than the music I'd chosen.  And because I'd chosen to switch to channel Default (rather than the "stop/snooze" screen) I couldn't find any way to _stop_ the beeping.  Power cycle time!

I've "rebuilt" the alarm (edited it and just selected the same values that were already there) to see if that will fix any config issue between the firmware versions.

How do I stop the alarm beeps if I switch to viewing a channel on alarm?

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

Same result today (I found out I could stop the beeping by going into alarms; disable the current alarm; re-enable it).

In a possibly related area, when I went into the "music" option of the control panel it had forgotten that I'd previously selected "My music files" and made me select it again, and pick the directory.  Could the beta control panel be losing the setting (maybe after the timer expires) and so preventing the alarm from finding the music?

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

Hmmm..if a music source is currently playing, it's *supposed* to highlight that item.

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

The music had stopped by that point (the timer expired the previous night).  The alarm woke up with beeps.  The "music" config screen had no memory of my previous choices for music (the non-beta version at least remembers that I'd last chosen 'my music files' and also remembered where playback had finished).

Re: Alarm fires, but no music

when I went into the music option of the control panel it had forgotten that I'd previously selected what kind of file and made me select it again, and pick the directory.  Could the beta control panel be losing the setting (maybe after the timer expires) and so preventing the alarm from finding the music?