Topic: Another nano editor port to the Chumby One
I tried the ports from the other threads, and I could not get them to work. The Ironforge port does nothing, and the link for the other Chumby One port is broken.
So last night I went ahead and ported the latest version of the nano editor to the Chumby One.
Below is the step-by-step on how I did it.
You can download the binaries here: … editor-for
The Chumby One ( ) uses a Freescale i.MX233 ARM9 processor: … e=IMX23_SW
Nano is a simple text editor:
I chose the nano editor because it is very "windows" like. And I wanted an editor that would be easy to use for people who are used to Windows ( they have not seen the linux light yet ).
The binaries are attached. Simply unzip, or untar the files to a USB flash stick, and plug into the Chumby One.
Open nano by type: /mnt/usb/
I created the script file, because nano uses ncurse, which requires a terminfo database.
When executing nano, if you get the following error: "Error opening terminal: xterm"
ncurses is telling you that it cannot find the terminfo database. Export TERMINFO to point to the terminfo directory to fix the problem.
export TERMINFO=/mnt/usb/share/terminfo
How I did it - I included my notes from when I was doing the port in the zip/tar files. I will provide highlites here:
Download ncurses:
Download nano:
I untared both files in my directory: nano_source
eric@eric-e6410:~/nano_source$ ls
include share nano-2.2.5 ncurses-5.7
lib nano-2.2.5.tar.gz ncurses-5.7.tar.gz
You need to install the Chumby One toolchain following the procedure here: … _Toolchain
Then I configured/built ncurses using the following commands:
$ ./configure --build i686-pc-linux-gnu --host arm-linux --prefix /home/eric/nano_source/
$ make
Then I built nano:
eric@eric-e6410:~/nano_source/nano-2.2.5/src$ ./configure --build i686-pc-linux-gnu --host arm-linux --enable-tiny --disable-mouse --disable-multibuffer CFLAGS="-I/home/eric/nano_source/include -I/home/eric/nano_source/include/ncurses" LDFLAGS=-L/home/eric/nano_source/lib
eric@eric-e6410:~/nano_source/nano-2.2.5/src$ make
This is what my USB stick looks like:
chumby:/mnt/usb-AD9E-6F8B# ls
RobotSee nano userhook0 share userhook1