Topic: Multiple Chumbys - Separate Channels?
I know this is probably a dumb question, but I couldn't find an answer by searching, so...
I have two Chumby devices - a Chumby Classic and a brand new Insignia Infocast.
Are the channel "line-ups" for each device separate?
Right now, it seems that when I add a new channel or change the apps in a channel on one Chumby,
the change is also reflected on the second Chumby. Is this the expected behavior?
Also, a question about channel naming and deleting:
On my Infocast, I currently have 3 channels: Clocks, New Channel, and BestBuy.
When I go to the "manage the channel" screen on, the first two channels have all options
active ("add a channel", "delete channel", and "rename channel").
The BestBuy channel (I renamed the Default channel) only has "add a channel"; the other options are disabled.
Any explanations would be greatly appreciated!