Topic: Crossdomain issues?

I've been playing around with flash for the first time and attempting to make a widget for my shiny new chumby.
It loads xml through a proxy script on my server, which has a crossdomain.xml widget in the same folder as the proxying script.

The widget works ok on my chumby, but on the chumby widget page it always says it failed to load.

Is this normal?
Or is there any way to get any good debug information about why it fails?

2 (edited by Materdaddy 2010-02-06 22:36:06)

Re: Crossdomain issues?

I know very little about flash, but I believe the crossdomain.xml must be in the top level of your domain, i.e.

Looks like it should be at the root like I said:

Linux Guy - Occasional Chumby Hacker

3 (edited by t0mm0 2010-02-07 01:41:40)

Re: Crossdomain issues?

it doesn't have to be in the root, as long as you specify the location in'')

to debug from your PC, make sure you are using a debug version of flash (you can download for your platform here. i use the standalone debug player.

to make the debug player report policy stuff in a log you need to follow the instructions
here. it's very simple, just make a mm.cfg file in the right place depending on the platform you're on (see the link) with the contents:


because newer versions of flash have different security requirements (adobe keep changing the way crossdomain stuff works!) i found (with a lot of help from unwiredben!) that you also need to alter the MIME type sent by the server to be 'text/x-cross-domain-policy' and also send an extra header of 'X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: all' to stop it complaining about meta policies. to do this in my cgi script for the talking clock i use the following perl code:

    print "Content-type:text\/x-cross-domain-policy\r\n";
    print "X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: all\r\n\r\n";
    print "<\?xml version=\"1.0\"\?>\r\n\r\n";
    print "<cross-domain-policy>\n";
    print "  <allow-access-from domain=\"\*\" \/>\n";
    print "<\/cross-domain-policy>\n";

if you're using PHP on your server check out the header function.

Re: Crossdomain issues?

Thanks to both of you.
t0mm0's MIME type change worked perfectly.

Cheers smile