1 (edited by Madox 2009-04-17 05:24:06)

Topic: Any hints/tips on how to cut tin can?

I was shopping the other day and came across these cut tin can lolly containers in the shape of a fridge..."That'll be a great Chumby shell!  All I'll need to do is make a cutout at the front and a couple of holes at the back!"

Just thought I'll do a quick test tonight with a chisel and a hammer... wasn't too bad but I did it in a rush so there was an uncoordinated side cut...need to file it a bit...


But I do want to ask people - is there a better way?

Ideas already considered :-
Nibbler - Doesn't work, the metal is too soft and doesn't shear away right...
Dremel cutting tool - I can't find my chuck key for it wink
Drilling lots of holes - Considered....

PS : The idea is to put a USB hard-drive in the 'fridge' as well and voila home media/web server smile

Edit : The reason I ask is that I still have a more fridges and chumbies smile  Thinking out loud...I might leave the cut ugly and put a bezel around it to hide the ugly cut...

Re: Any hints/tips on how to cut tin can?

Or deliberately make it look ugly by cutting it badly, then grunging it up with brownish paints so it looks rusty and unloved ?

Re: Any hints/tips on how to cut tin can?

And then get someone to write a widget that's still shot / webcam / video of the inside of a real fridge.

Re: Any hints/tips on how to cut tin can?

Why not cut it smaller than the screen and fold the metal back so it looks clean?

Re: Any hints/tips on how to cut tin can?

Yup - that  (rolled edge as bwanless describes) and a scrollsaw.

I Void Warranties (tm)

Re: Any hints/tips on how to cut tin can?

You could get that rubber edging stuff used in car windows and windows for PCs.

Re: Any hints/tips on how to cut tin can?

Automotive weather-stripping.

I Void Warranties (tm)