Topic: Strange behavior in widget

I made an internet tester widget that works by downloading a small (1k) file off a server and measuring the speed of the download. No big whoop. The strange thing is when I run it on a PC either as a stand-alone SWF or through a webbrowser I get varying download times, which I think is accurate given my flaky internet connection, but when I run it on the Chumby I get uniform download times.

Is there something in the way Chumbies download data that would level out the results?

You can see the widget here, its very beta:

Re: Strange behavior in widget

Is it possibly caching the image?


Re: Strange behavior in widget

Good question, but I'm defeating caching by adding a query string to the image URL. This works well in my ChumbySpy widget ( ) so I'm reasonably sure its not that.

Re: Strange behavior in widget

I'm betting it's caching as well.  I use

var myDate = new Date();
url = url+"?cachebuster="myDate.getTime();

to force loading image files every time.

5 (edited by wrybread 2009-08-10 22:53:26)

Re: Strange behavior in widget

Yup, that's what I'm doing. Also, if it were caching, the download speed would probably be much faster.

Re: Strange behavior in widget

Just throwing this one out there.  I notice on some speed testing tools the downloaded file seems significantly larger than 1k - is there any possibility that could be the cause?
