Topic: Chumbypocalypse primer?

I didn't realized was going dark so soon.
Is there a primer anywhere on how to get ready for this?
Anyone have a list of links or is there another site where discussions are ongoing or will migrate to?

I'm not a power user, have 2 infocasts that I've wanted to use to learn more but never got around to doing much with them other than having fun widgets  smile

My kids love playing tic-tac-toe against the All In One Clock Cat.

Important threads

Zurk's firmware:

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

Is there a date planned for going dark ?

Did I miss an announcement?

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

I don't think there's been a date mentioned, but it has been pretty publicized that chumby is basically done for now.  A private equity firm is holding the assets trying to sell them and the ~30 Chumby employees have all(?) been hired by Technicolor.

Linux Guy - Occasional Chumby Hacker

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

As far as I know, there is currently no plan to shut down the systems.

5 (edited by bobsz 2012-06-09 00:17:33)

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

@rkt88edmo, simpfeld... There have been posts exactly like yours going back to January, when there were some business changes. Some users thought "the end" was a matter of days or weeks... now it's been 6 months. Even that link you posted from zurk is 3 months old. People have been making backup systems so Chumbys will run if the servers go down for any reason. Skim the topics in "Chumby the Device" and you'll see people have made offline firmware for USB sticks, and other innovations. There certainly is no Apocolypse happening here. But there sure has been a lot of evolution and community development and innovation. You can search for some of my past topics when I was in total panic because I had no tech background to set up these backup systems. Forum members did a lot of teaching to us "slower" ones.

Do some forum searches and read what zurk developed with help from others. He did a lot fast- back in April he predicted would be down within a few weeks. Also search for Francesco's posts, as he also developed a really good tool. Also skim other forum topics for related discussions, such as Widgets and There's a lot of great info to be learned in there.

Duane is our remaining Chumbian, and Doktor Jones has been acting as a volunteer moderator, both fielding a lot of problems. But zurk's stuff is really his own thing, not made by Chumby, and he hasn't posted here in a while. Some of the info he and others wrote about here may be outdated. If you click on his download links, you'll be getting a version 18. He has a link to his Sourceforge "offline firmware" forum at the start of his posts. I'd suggest checking there to read his latest changelogs and readmes, and possibly ask him questions- if you go that way.

If you have any other specific questions, there's still a lot of us here to answer your questions- though it seems everything's already answered someplace in the forum. It'll just take a lot of reading. But remember that this is "old news" to most of us, so some of the meatiest posts are probably back around February March, and April. Don't panic. Chumby's more of a community effort now, and we believe in the users.

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

"Chumby's more of a community effort now, and we believe in the users."

Funny since that's how it started out originally.

7 (edited by prdamrican 2012-06-13 20:03:17)

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

I wish you guys all the best.  You in particular Duane have been awesome for us chumbiites.  I of course am hoping the chumby servers never go dark, but I realize that's a fantasy.  I've got two units and I love them... great devices that have provided lots of entertainment over the past couple of years... thanks again for your support.... Aaron

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

Thanks Duane and bobsz,

I'll keep updating this thread as I move through the old posts to try and gather info, and maybe move some of those post contents to an offsite wiki just in case.

Anyone who has any objection to copypasta of their posts speak up   wink

9 (edited by bobsz 2012-06-14 20:05:59)

Re: Chumbypocalypse primer?

@rkt88edmo - Let us know if you have trouble getting started or get stuck setting up the offline firmware. Even if you don't get the basics, just ask us where to start. If you know the utility PuTTY you can probably pick up the next steps with this-

Just so happens, I tested a bunch of games this week, and they work fine in the offline mode, too. So, the kids should be happy-