1 (edited by lonelygrrl 2012-04-27 09:08:21)

Topic: Chumby supply

Hi all,

I've seen there is some Singapore/Hongkong firm still manufacturing chumby-based devices before, but now I can't recall on top of my head.

I have a project that needs chumbies to hack on in the future (about a hundred) so I wonder if anyone can tell me the source for this?

PS: I am aware that amazon and sears and ebay is still selling infocasts.

Re: Chumby supply

this is a bad idea.
the only person known to have bought from wowtech complained that they shipped him a defective piece which didnt work and refused to ship him another.
http://www.wowtech.com.sg/ProductDetail … &SCID=
best to stock up now from amazon or use a novo 7 paladin android tablet for your project instead.

3 (edited by lonelygrrl 2012-04-27 09:13:42)

Re: Chumby supply

I see. I will stock from Amazon then. It's sad to be informed that the Wow doesn't work.

I need the USB factor but Android might be the better route to go in the future.

Yeah now I am not too worried about supply, still there are tons of insignia's and it's not hard to get ahold on a batch of them.

Re: Chumby supply

Will the Chumby hacker board meet your needs?  Adafruit shows 47 in stock; you may want to contact them and inquire as to whether they will be receiving any more after that, or if this is the end of the line for the CHB.