Topic: If the servers go down, then what ??

I bought two Infocast 8 devices, one to use and one for a backup.  The one I'm using has been flashed with the Chumby 8 firmware and all is good at the moment.  The other device is still in the box and still has not been activated or flashed with the new chumby firmware yet. 

My question is this.  If I don't activate and flash the 2nd infocast before the Chumby servers go down, will it be rendered useless or would I still be able to flash it and install the last working control panel or Zurks offline firmware?

Re: If the servers go down, then what ??

my firmware works regardless of whether the device is activated or not. however i would recommend flashing with chumy8 fw and activating prior to storage to make sure it works properly and to make a copy of the on board microsd card image. also pack the box with silica gel / Crystal based kitty litter to absorb moisture.

Re: If the servers go down, then what ??

Thanks Zurk.  Every Infocast 8 & Chumby 8 owner really appreciates all your hard work on the offline firmware.