Topic: software deployment?

The following items are unclear to me:

1) If I write a flash file how do I get it on my Chumby?  Do I upload it to somewhere on
2) What is the envisioned test / deployment pattern?  Is the plan to write flash in the simulator and then deploy to the device?
3) If I have SSH access I can imagine that I would be able to simply deploy new flash to the chumby via scp and then run the flash interpreter manually.
4) The web site lists instructions on how to build a image for the chumby.  How is this image supposed to get onto the flash?

It would be great if someone could post the full instructions on how to get SSH access working.  I appreciate that this was supposed to be an easter egg hunt or something but at this point I can't  do more until I have access to the device.

Re: software deployment?

The infrastructure for deploying Flash movies through the site is still under development.

Send me an email at and I'll assist you in getting sshd running.

Re: software deployment?

Will we always need to use Chumby as a go between to get our applications loaded? Why do with have to use your deployment infrastructure?

Re: software deployment?

You don't - since the source for everything (except the Flash Player, of course) is available, you're welcome to make the chumby do anything you want.

You can also use the "userhook" functionality to run any Flash movie you want from a dongle, if you want to stick with Flash.  But there's nothing requiring it.

You're even welcome to make a dongle with whatever you want and give it away, or sell it to other users.

This is a pretty old thread - the infrastructure for deploying widgets through our site went operational a very long time ago.