Topic: Chumby8 Force channel to update from server?

Is there a way to force your channel to update from the server? I've added a widget to my channel via, but the only way I've made it appear on my chumby8 is to reboot the chumby.

I tried to send the 'reload' event to the flashplayer via

<event type="WidgetPlayer" value="reload" comment=""/>

But it doesn't seem to have pulled down the new widget from the server.

When is this supposed to happen naturally? And is there some way to force it?

Re: Chumby8 Force channel to update from server?

It currently takes quite a bit of time for the device to recognize a channel modification on the server - I'll see if I can add a button to force a channel refresh, like the one on the 3.5" devices.

Re: Chumby8 Force channel to update from server?

Thanks for the response. Let me know if there's some low level way to force it to occur. If not, maybe when you add a GUI element to do this, you can also give us a way to trigger it from SSH or script.

Re: Chumby8 Force channel to update from server?

One thing to try is to change the device to another channel and then back to the original.  That should cause the device to fetch the latest data.  I'm not absolutely sure though - there may be some additional caching on the server - if so, I think it's about an hour.