Topic: Streaming music from SlimServer to Chumby - no Widgets?

Followed the directions on the wiki to get music streamed from my SlimServer to the Chumby.  Works great but all I see is the Chumby logo and the word "chumby" while the music is playing.

There doesn't appear to be a way to control the volume, switch channels or view widgets while you are listening to the SlimServer stream.

Is that correct or am I doing something wrong?

Re: Streaming music from SlimServer to Chumby - no Widgets?

Do you have the "&" at the end of the line with the btplay command?

Re: Streaming music from SlimServer to Chumby - no Widgets?

That was it.  Leaving off the "&" ampersand keeps the command from running in the background and while the music plays, the Chumby never gets past the title screen.  Cut/paste error on my part.  I think the little speaker icon in the wiki threw me off there.  Thanks for the quick reply.  It's working now as expected.

btplay http://ip.of.your.server:9000/stream.mp3 &