Topic: Splash screen problems

My device is:
Insonia Infocast 3.5
HW: 10.7   SW: 1.0.7  FW: 1.0.3454

I tried to change the splash screen by following the commands show in Chumby Tricks.

Here are the commands after SSH:
cd /mnt/storage
config_util --cmd=getblock --block=img1 > img1.bin.bak
imgtool --mode=draw mysplash1.png
dd if=/dev/fb0 of=splash.bin bs=640 count=240
config_util --cmd=putblock --block=img1 < splash.bin

It worked OK at the first reboot after i sent those commands, it showed mysplash1.png while booting.

But, the splach screen went back to original default(which is green background) screen after reboot again.

I tried more than 4~5 times on two Infocast 3.5. The same things happened.

Does anybody know how to solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
