Topic: rtorrent not working

Hi there!

I cross compiled rtorrent ( for the chumby. I did this by setting up a scratchbox2 environment, compiling ncurses, libsigc++, openssl, libcurl (yes i know, curl is already on stock software, but i dont know how to compile/link against it from scratchbox...), libtorrent and finally rtorrent.

Then i copied everything on my chumby and started rtorrent, and, it almost works:
The start screen shows up. I add a torrent (from a http:// address, it downloads and adds the torrent). It connects to the tracker, gets some peers. But it totally fails to download anything from a peer.

rtorrents log just says: "(23:58:39) <peers-ip> M6-4-0--: Peer sent HAVE message with out-of-range index." a couple of times with different peers.

Inside scratchbox rtorrent works fine. I created a swap file on my chumby and opened the port on my router. The torrent destination file is created, stays at 0 bytes (so permissions should be fine).

Has anyone an idea whats going wrong?
Or any other suggestions to get a torrent client on my chumby one? (the stock firmware has no more chumbytorrent)...

Greeets & Thx in advance

Re: rtorrent not working

Try "./configure --enable-aligned" when building libtorrent.