Topic: Feature request: Preload resources before widget change
I've noticed that some widgets that load things after the widget itself loads (for example, the facebook widget) sometimes take quite a while to load those items. Is there any way chumby can preload the next widget in the background so that we don't notice this? Perhaps the next widget could be downloaded in the background into a buffer and then switched to the screen when it is due to play? Is this possible? Perhaps Duane could let us know...I'm sure I'm not the only one to have issues with this...
It might not be such a problem in the states, but loading from Australia for example can take several seconds (I've even seen odd cases where the 30 seconds I have the widget set to play expires before the resource loads). Loading from US sites in the UK where the chumby is also now on sale would also take significantly longer due to latency and http handshaking time...