Topic: Air?

Considering how Chumby Industries is planning on making money on the advertising on the Chumby, why not carry the idea of the virtual Chumby a bit further. As in, produce a Chumby Adobe AIR app that would play channels like a normal Chumby would (advertising included). This would let people who do not have a chumby see what it is like to have a Chumby nearly everpresent. Considering how the hardest thing with the Chumby is the sell (most people have to see what it is like to have a Chumby constantly present to understand the value) this could help a lot. Just a random thought.

Re: Air?

I thought you were going to ask for a Chumby that's just a quarter inch thick. smile

Re: Air?

While the number of ports the Chumby has now is awesome, I don't think cutting down on those would be such a good idea.