Topic: Chumby freeze when changing widgets since 2.6.67

Since upgrading to 2.6.67, my Chumby freezes (requiring a reboot) every time it reaches one particular point in a channel. When it tries to switch between the Generic RSS Reader (pointing at and the Circle Clock, it freezes at the point where the countdown timer has just finished, but the RSS Reader widget hasn't disappeared.

Other instances of the RSS widget appear to be fine. I'm going to try rearranging the channel to see if I can narrow it down any further

Re: Chumby freeze when changing widgets since 2.6.67

Yep, does it even if I rearrange the widgets.

Any thoughts?

Re: Chumby freeze when changing widgets since 2.6.67

Are there any other widget running in the channel? If so which ones?
Cheers, Matt

Re: Chumby freeze when changing widgets since 2.6.67

We have done some testing.  This issue will be resolved with the next firmware update.

Re: Chumby freeze when changing widgets since 2.6.67

Nice work! Looking forward to it...