1 (edited by wayn3w 2007-12-12 05:56:04)

Topic: Chumby channels on a Nokia 810?

I don't wish to cause any problems by suggesting this, but what would prohibit running the Chumby widget engine on a Nokia 800/810?  The Chumby and Nokia 800 both have:
* touchscreen
* mic and speakers
* external memory (sd cards vs usb drives)
* wifi connectivity
* Linux under the hood

Is the Chumby widget engine proprietary?  If not, the Nokia 800/810 would give the portability that some people are looking for, but without the obvious cuteness factor.

Just a thought,


Re: Chumby channels on a Nokia 810?

Well, we're not currently licensed by Adobe to distribute our version of the Flash Lite player on any platform other than the chumby device, and our player has some important modifications that allow it access to the features you listed.

However, the Virtual Chumby should run fine on the built-in Flash player on the device (at least to the level of compatibility of the player).  There's also someone out there that created a simple PHP/HTML version of Virtual Chumby using page refreshes to load the next widget that works on the Nokia N800.