1 (edited by rolan 2007-12-01 07:46:27)

Topic: Potential streaming audio/video browser

I was playing around with TVersity (http://www.tversity.com) last night.
The software is a media browser/transcoder/streamer server which catalogs the audio/pictures/videos on your PC and makes them available through a browser interface. Oh.. but there is a flash based browser also

So, I ssh'd into the chumby, killed off control panel then ran a

/usr/bin/chumbyflashplayer.x -i http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:41952/flashlib

(xxx.xxx.xx.xxx being the ip# of my TVersity server)

After a few seconds, the TVersity browser appeared on the screen. Navigating further down the tree resulted in lockups.
Debug messages mention something about exceeding the memory limits, I think.

If the chumby could be hacked into a working audio/video browser/player, it would be a pretty cool killer app.
