Topic: Control Panel interface inconsistency

How do,

Only a very small thing, but now I've noticed it, it's really starting to annoy me!

On pretty much every single screen, the 'Done' button appears in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, with the notable exception of the Music sources screen, where the bottom right corner is 'Go To' and 'Done' appears next to it.

I think it would make more sense form an interface point of view if the bottom right corner was reserved for 'Done' (or any other button with a similar back-to-previous-screen function). As it is, if you want to back out from, say, 'My Streams', you can't just keep pressing bottom-right until you're back at the top level - you have to move your finger when you get to the sources page.

Like I say, not a big thing but something that I think would make the interface a bit more intuitive.