Topic: Missing post_alarm_action?

Is running post_alarm_action scripts off of a USB drive no longer active? Even a simple "date >> /mnt/usb/alarms.log" doesn't do anything now when the alarm goes off.

My Chumby is running control panel 2.6.70, HW 3.7, SW 1.4.0 and FW 533.



Re: Missing post_alarm_action?

Oh ho, I've found the issue! It seems that post_alarm_action is only run *after* the alarm screen is dismissed! This would not be a problem except that the "Don't show alarm screen" checkbox is disabled. Previously I was able to check that box and have my scripts run at the appointed time.

I've figured out a workaround after searching the forums a bit; apparently the box is grayed out when one of the built-in sounds is selected, so I put a 1-second silent mp3 on the usb stick and selected "My Music Files" for the alarm sound. Now I can check the box and have my scripts run automatically. Hooray!