1 (edited by jvc 2007-12-01 11:01:33)

Topic: TIP: Use Feedburner as a Proxy

i just tried this twice and it worked for me:

You want to get data from an XML feed but Flash can't get it because the site doesn't have a crossdomain.xml file.

Feedburner has an open crossdomain.xml file and allows you to add any feed as your own

1. Create a feedburner account
2. Add the feed you want (ex. http://www.google.com/trends/hottrends/atom/hourly)
3. Use the feed path feedburner gives you as your xml source. (ex. http://feeds.feedburner.com/google/GoogleHotTrends)
4. Enjoy.

Re: TIP: Use Feedburner as a Proxy

Another useful proxy I started using today is Yahoo Pipes. Gives you programmatic functionality as well. One thing to note; I couldn't find a crossdomain.xml file at first, but a bit of a search about, and I discovered that http://pipes.yahooapis.com has an open crossdomain.xml file, and can be dropped in place of any pipes.yahoo.com url (ie, http://pipes.yahoo.com/foo/bar becomes http://pipes.yahooapis.com/foo/bar). Seems to work pretty well!

Re: TIP: Use Feedburner as a Proxy

Cool - thanks for the insight...

One other benefit of feedburner is the ability to get to password protected feeds.

For example I can set up a feed with feedburner in this format http://UserName:SuperSecretPass@whateverDomain.com/feedPath.xml

One thing to watch out for is to avoid tracking in Feedburner feeds as they insert tracking stuff that changes the feed. This is turned off by default though

Re: TIP: Use Feedburner as a Proxy

Cool! Actually, Feedburner and Yahoo Pipes appear to work well together...each has some advantages, but you can always make a Feedburner feed out of a Pipe, so you can have the best of both worlds.

5 (edited by rotozip 2008-02-02 19:29:19)

Re: TIP: Use Feedburner as a Proxy

Any ideas on where/how I could proxy a non rss feed like this image url http://images.blockbuster.com/is/amg/dv … 2r69wc.jpg ?  I tried hooking up a solution on yahoo pipes with no success.  I was using my own php proxy script and cross domain file running on my web host but I would like to move it off of my site.

Re: TIP: Use Feedburner as a Proxy

You don't need to proxy JPEG images - the sandbox applies to XML and SWF.

Re: TIP: Use Feedburner as a Proxy

Duane wrote:

You don't need to proxy JPEG images - the sandbox applies to XML and SWF.

Thanks Duane that made it really easy.