Topic: Getting HTML from a web page.


Im currently writing a widget that uses an RSS feed which contains some data and a link to a web page.

I would like to include the data from the webpage in the widget (parsed down in a HTML textbox) but I'm not sure where I would start in flash/actionscript to connect to the linked site and then store the returned HTML for parsing.

Once I have the HTML the string parsing should be easy.

Could someone give me some pointers please? - Please go easy this is my first attempt at flash smile



Re: Getting HTML from a web page.

you can use XML to load a page if they have an open crossdomain.xml file

var htmlURL:String = "";
var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
xml.onData = function(data)


if not you will have to proxy it through something that does like Yahoo Pipes: … okin-good/

Re: Getting HTML from a web page.

Hi jvc,

Thanks again for the advice!! 

I have had a look at Yahoo pipes and it looks like it will make my life about ten times easier! Have managed to do what I wanted in no time - what a world of chumby related opportunity!!

All the best,
