Topic: Chipmunk streams in the new

Some of my stations stream too fast and sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks. I saw a fix for this when you're listening from the command line. How do I make it sound correct from the beta control panel? or is this why its got a big pink "BETA" written across it?

Re: Chipmunk streams in the new

That's why the pink BETA - I'm still working on the music stuff.  Everything there is wet paint, and there are no guarantees of anything.  You get to see software in development, and that often isn't pretty.

Stuff related to Beta software really should be posted in the Beta section.

Re: Chipmunk streams in the new

You say it often isn't pretty, being able to see the devel process is absolutely beautiful.  I can't say enough how glad I am that this much of the process is shown to us.  Also that things are open and free.  I have to pay 1.50USD every time I play pacman on my cell phone and the the entirety of the process is invisible.  I'd rather see the struggling, it really shows what you guys are up to, so the end user can appreciate it.

My parents stopped thinking it was a silly gadget when, while it was playing Christmas music and showing the fire-place widget they found an article about the device in a Philadelphia paper.