Topic: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

Is it possible to use vnc to control a chumby?  As in, remote to it from a PC on the same subnet (or presumably one that has route TCP/IP access to it).

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

We do not currently have a VNC server running on the chumby, but I suspect it's possible to put together for a dongle.

The biggest issue would be the generation of touchscreen events, because the Flash Player is using the touchscreen driver directly.

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

Bummer, I suspected the touchscreen driver would be a problem. 

My thoughts on using VNC are one of convenience for stuff like development.  But there's also interest in being able to access one remotely to for the sake of configuration changes.  This could potentially be done with something like SOAP or other networking calls.  To do something like have a home automation system trigger changes to what's being shown on the chumby.   Rather than have some sort of event loop (or cron tasks) running on the chumby, to have a server trigger the chumby over the network instead.  Recognizing, of course, that hijacking a chumby being used by a person at the moment might not be the friendliest of actions.

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

well... you could have it SSH in and trigger something that way... I've asked twice if there's any way to trigger widgets/channels via CL, and haven't heard back... but you could, say, trigger it to play a "There's someone at the door" MP3 when someone pressed the doorbell... this would be pretty darn easy, actually.  You could even have it play that MP3 then open an audio feed from a mic at the front door, maybe have some X10 trigger that plays an audio clip "Please state your name and business" at which point you could listen to them...  I can't see any way right now for you to get a live video feed... but maybe down the road...

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

You could just trigger events on the chumby using a cgi script.

Or use something like an arduino to read a doorbell sensor.  You just need a little digital IO->usb board.

6 (edited by CiXel 2007-12-06 18:47:44)

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

What about the opposite direction...
A VNC client widget where we could use the chumby touchscreen as an interface. I can envision the possibilities already. . . .

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

Unfortunately, that code seems to require Flash 9, while the chumby uses Flash Lite 3, which is roughly equivalent to desktop Flash 8.

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

Duane wrote:

Unfortunately, that code seems to require Flash 9, while the chumby uses Flash Lite 3, which is roughly equivalent to desktop Flash 8.

I was afraid of that. But I thought I'd ignore the obvious with the hopes that someone who knew better would go: Maybe this could work anyway? wink

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

it'd rock to put openswan on the chumby with vnc so I can vpn into work, and then admin servers in need of attention...

probably works better in my mind - in practice I'd probably be wishing I just pulled my laptop out (when it's 2am, you want as little futsing as possible)

Re: vnc or other way to remote a chumby's screen?

Yeah, I'm only asking for this in the context of developing for the chumby and being able to centrally control a number of them throughout the house.  There are probably better ways to accomplish both besides using a remote screen controller.