Topic: Alarm Triggers

I see with the beta build, the alarm clock can now schedule a channel.

I think it would be nice if I could set an Alarm to go off that will start to play music from the Chumby radio stream.

This way, when I get home, my Chumby is already playing a music stream for me.

Re: Alarm Triggers

with the current beta you can do this, simply choose a stream as your alarm audio source. It's awesome!

Re: Alarm Triggers

I'm running 2.6.48 - and I don't readily see how to do this.

Can you tell me the steps?

Re: Alarm Triggers

Reboot your chumby and upgrade to 2.6.49. You'll see streams in the alarm audio source in this version.

Re: Alarm Triggers

Did it, got it, looks great.

Thanks for the info, and thanks Chumby for the continual updates, the product keeps getting better.