Topic: What I'd like in my chumby

1) The "channel metaphore" needs improvement, but you know that. I'd prefer the top switch to turn on a left-side bar which allows "keep channel" "skip" stuff like that. Maybe also reserve some of the corners (like the current upper-right for "stay on channel". The cool thing is some kind of gesture metaphor for channel changes, using the accelerometer - like, switch + accellerometer means a control panel gesture.

2) I want more "chumby"! The logos are so cute. I especially love "hamby".

2a) How about a chumby channel, like a chumby aquarium?

2b) Chumby transitions - between every channel transition, a chumby character floats-pulls-whatever

2c) Chumby tee shirts! What about cafe press or something? I want a hamby tee shirt. Or just the eyes, on a chumby blue shirt. Or just allow us to download the images - I'll make my own darned shirt - that makes Chumby even more open!

3) Flickr widget with better randomization. I've got about 100 pictures, and I keep seeing the first few.

4) I'd like a random youtube widget that auto-plays, in a without sound configuration. My chumby's usually in "lean back mode", where I see it across the room, so auto-play is right, and I never want to see the same videos - "give me random 5 star videos" or something.

5) I'd like some kind of inter-chumby-interaction, since we've got two in the living room, and I've been trying to figure out how to do that.

Our house favorite channel is SHAMU. I don't have an ipod, and have other music players (an original SlimDevices SqueezeBox), so I don't use that, although I might try to get slim player working just for fun.

Re: What I'd like in my chumby

I'm with bbuklow on #2 a, b &c - More 'chumby'.  Hamby.  Skullby.  Flame-by.  All of 'em.  Cartoons!  Animations!  Aquarium!  Chumby logo'd widgets!  Whoever did the branding / corporate image did a great job on that.

3 (edited by lchilson 2007-12-22 23:31:50)

Re: What I'd like in my chumby

I'm Making chumby desktops and animations! Hooray! A couple of first drafts are on flickr, just search chumby desktop. Tell me what you think and throw me some suggestions. The little bugger is fun to make!

Re: What I'd like in my chumby

Nice. I like the swimming pool one.

-John Forsythe