Topic: AIM on chumby?

how many people would love that?

Re: AIM on chumby?

Yeah, first off, it wouldn't be AIM, it would have to be able to run on linux. (Or Flash Lite).
Second, how would you type?
I really don't see it viable, nor would I actually use it.

Re: AIM on chumby?

The AIM folks at AOL have a chumby prototype.  I'm not sure what's going to happen there, but they seemed very interested in it.

Certainly a chumby could at least indicate AIM presence, so you can see if/when your buddies come online without sitting in front of your computer.  You could also have a set of canned messages you could send with a touch.  It might also be possible to layer some other reasonable chumby-specific communication over their system - obviously with their blessing.

So I think it's at least something to consider.

Re: AIM on chumby?

zachninme wrote:

Yeah, first off, it wouldn't be AIM, it would have to be able to run on linux. (Or Flash Lite).
Second, how would you type?
I really don't see it viable, nor would I actually use it.

you can have a virtual touch screen keyboard on the chumby!

Re: AIM on chumby?

you dont need a bulky virtual touch screen keyboard.  The chumby has a USB port, correct?  So plug in a keyboard to the port, and wah lah!

Re: AIM on chumby?

I like the idea of AIM for the chumby, I know I would use it.

Re: AIM on chumby?

I like the idea of AIM on the Chumby, but I wouldn't use it.

A keyboard is not condusive to looking up from my morning coffee.  It does not belong on my bookshelf next to my favorite reading chair.  I keyboard would have to sit on my lap or surface and would require repositioning.  I don't want that from a chumby.  My laptop does that fine.

I wouldn't mind a twitter feed reader however.  Nor would I mind some sort of update or announcement when someone wants to get ahold of me, so I can move to my PC.  But I don't feel like replying with more than a canned message via chumby

If the Chumby could put me in an "Away: only on chumby" State, I would be pleased as punch.

Re: AIM on chumby?

I use AIM almost everyday, sometimes I am chilling out on my bed and don't want to get up and turn on the computer. This would be the first app I would download


Re: AIM on chumby?

I'm kinda wondering if the pidgin ( source could be modded into a flash interface. I'm not really a flash designer (yet) so my knowledge of the systems is fairly limited. The only thing that stands out in my mind as an issue is the lack of established text entry (*hint hint*) Anyways I'm not entirely sure how much I'd use it but it seems like a cool idea so if anyone wants to pick this project up that would be awesome.

Re: AIM on chumby?

Pidgin used to be GAIM - one problem is that it's quite large.  The Windows binary is nearly 11 MB.  By contrast, our entire Flash Player is only 2 MB.  We simply don't have the storage on the device for something that big.

Re: AIM on chumby?

There are webbased emulators for AIM/messaging programs, but i know that specifically AIM has a web-app. Would it be possible to interface with this? While I'm not much of an AIM user, the possibility of messaging should be tackled.

Re: AIM on chumby?

It may interest you to see
I'm pretty sure it'll work off a Linux interface. I personally have made a lightweight GAIM program that I KNOW works off Linux.

If anyone's interested...

Re: AIM on chumby?

I've looked into a lot of different programs, but they will all take up too much resources, taking into account backend processes.

There was a text-based one that ran in the terminal, but thats no fun tongue

14 (edited by T045T 2007-11-05 09:39:17)

Re: AIM on chumby?

how about asking the Meebo guys if they can do something like that?
They've been adding quite a few new features to Meebo lately and the whole thing runs on flash, right?

And they already do have a little widget that does the exact opposite of what we'd want (ie you can send messages to the person whose widget it is)

This could be a make or break for me since I'm looking into a Chumby but wouldn't want to have to leave on my laptop on to be available in AIM/ICQ/MSN, my MP3-Player/external HD for musix AND the Chumby too while doing other stuff (like homework).

Re: AIM on chumby?

What about a terminal emulator with a text based instant messenger. While on that route, a terminal based web browser like e-links would be great.
There are a ot of CLI based apps that could be ported to the chumby if we had a terminal and on screen keyboard going for it.

Just a thought.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Re: AIM on chumby?

Another option would be to cross compile Psi for ARM, and tweak the interface for the Chumby. This should in theory be relatively simple, and would provide more than just AIM for instant messaging.

Re: AIM on chumby?

irssi+bitlbee is one backend solution that would support all IM protocols big_smile

Re: AIM on chumby?

This might seem half-ass... but I do like the idea of a "view only" Instant Messaging widget, for Chumby. For me, I have my G4 running in my studio, and turn the speakers-up when I go into other rooms of my house to do other stuff. If I get an IM, I'll walk all the way over to the other side of my house, to see what it is, and half the time will not type an immediate response. So as a remote "monitoring" device of some sort, it'd be neat.

Also- on "Extreme Home Makeover" this past Sunday (sorry, I have a mega-crush on Ty) they did something where they broadcasted onto a flat-screen television, the live transcripts of a girl's cell-phone texting (the TV was in her bedroom).  Possibly something like this could be rad, for Chumby.

Maybe a Simulscribe widget, to listen to voicemail thru Chumby; alerts go to your Chumby when you have a voicemail, versus the usual email or SMS options... ???