1 (edited by fragin 2007-12-10 19:15:25)

Topic: Future Hardware Enhancement - security slot or lanyard

It would be nice if it had one of those laptop slots on th back to secure it.  The chassis would probably need to  be designed to have a spot you could yank on without breaking the case.

It would be cool to buy a Chumby for work, but I'm afraid it might get stolen...  and I bet I'm not the only one.

Of course then I would have to develop a widget that says "I was stolen!"   "Call 911!"...  I'd call it Chumby Alert.

Re: Future Hardware Enhancement - security slot or lanyard

Is there any part of a chumby rigid enough for a security slot?

At least, with the motion sensor, an alarm widget would be easy to write. Although simply pressing the top would silence it.

Re: Future Hardware Enhancement - security slot or lanyard

Another alarm approach would be to see if the SSID changes... then silently send a message with the SSID, mac address, Chumby machine id, upstream router IP, et al to some central clearing house who lets the owner know. 

Or even better: If the SSID changes for the given MAC address, Chumby would display one special channel, with one special widget,  then it be mo' better.  The widget would be: THIS DEVICE IS STOLEN ... PLEASE RETURN TO ITS OWNER OR THIS DEVICE WILL BE PERMANENTLY DISABLED in XXX minutes. 

Of course, the owner would choose to select this feature.
