Topic: Music Player Daemon client widget

I was thinking of using a Chumby to control my home audio system which is based on MPD (

It would be nice to have a flash widget which would be able to act as an MPD client.

I know virtually nothing about flash. Is it able to open a network socket to a remote server ? Or maybe is it able to interface a CLI tool installed on the machine (thinking of mpc, an mpd CLI client which could be cross-compiled to the Chumby) ?

I am willing to help a developer who would start such a project !

Re: Music Player Daemon client widget

it almost seems that this type of app would be better suited as some kind of control panel extension rather then a widget. much like the streaming music stuff in the beta control panel.

i would like to do something similar to control my x10 lamps, but i don't want to have a widget that constantly scrolls through (i guess i could put it on a different channel, but still).

is it possible to put things like this into the control panel at this point?