Topic: chumbydebug file/starting sshd


So my understanding was if you put a file called 'chumbydebug' on a thumb drive and conect it to the USB that it will run.  So /bin/sshd should, in theory, work.

It isn't working for me, or for at least one other person on the wiki...what magic incantation are we missing?


Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

1) The file must be called "debugchumby"
2) It must be at the root level of the file system on the USB  device
3) It must be marked executable

If it is a script (mostly likely), it should have the typical bang header:


This is not a feature you can count on - it may be removed or changed at any time.

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

Debugchumby, chumbydebug, what's a little misordering amongst friends :-)

Is there a way to run things that is likely to be more permanent?

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

Duane wrote:

3) It must be marked executable

Does this imply that the file system on the USB drive should be something other than FAT?  (Since FAT doesn't have permission bits).  If so, what file system should the USB drive be formatted with?

I tried putting a "debugchumby" file containing the suggested text on a USB drive formatted w/ FAT, and booting up chumby with the drive plugged in, but without success.

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

Well, if it doesn't work, well, sorry about that.  It's not an official feature.

It was a very late addition that probably wasn't tested very well.  I'll play a bit with mine to see if I can come up with something that works reliably.

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

i think the wiki says it has to be a mac formatted stick.

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Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

No...the wiki says (or should :-) that it _can't_ be Mac HFS...please fix the Wiki if it says otherwise!

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

you guys should implement a package system for chumby. make it a bit easier for people to activate things like sshd and httpd

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Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

chedabob wrote:

you guys should implement a package system for chumby. make it a bit easier for people to activate things like sshd and httpd

httpd is started automatically.  There is, in fact, an easier way to start sshd (without the use of a USB stick/script or attaching to serial debug), but its up to -you- to find it!

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

chedabob wrote:

you guys should implement a package system for chumby. make it a bit easier for people to activate things like sshd and httpd

Forgive my daftness, but how exactly would a package system help activate a service? I could see it for /installing/ services, but we've been made quite clear they're not supporting installing things on the Flash RAM.

What would be easier is a webpage that could configure services, etc. which is what I *believe* Ken was alluding to, but can't be positive as I don't own a Chumby.

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

well it doesnt, but it would be easier for downloading widgets, and other stuff.

ken, im open to that challenge. send me a chumby and ill find it tongue

need upload space for the forums or a chumby blog? right here then
username is chumby
password is chumby

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

This is an interesting challenge Ken. I'm not sure you're right about that. I've been searching the code on the CD and haven't found anything to conclude that it's somehow easy to start busybox's sshd from within the UI or by doing anything to the chumby itself. Is the code on the Foo Camp CD identical to the code running on the chumbys we received?

One could conceivably write a widget to run the external program, but that is beyond my current flash capabilities...albeit fairly easy, one assumes.

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

I believe they said that the code for the easter egg that starts sshd is in their modified version of flash (i.e., you won't be able to find it by searching the code).  So we'll just have to keep trying things on the chumby.

I'm still trying to make progress on running sshd from a chumbydebug script, but I haven't had any luck yet.  I tried using an ext2fs formatted drive, which I saw suggested somewhere, but that didn't seem to help.

I'm not sure if the ".config" file in the distributed kernel-src.tar.gz is accurate/up-to-date, but if it is, then it appears that EXT2FS support isn't even compiled:

[~/chumby_kernel]$ grep EXT2 .config
# CONFIG_EXT2_FS is not set

File systems that *do* appear to have support compiled:

[~/chumby_kernel]$ grep _FS=y .config                 

If anyone with a foo-camp chumby does manage to get sshd running via a usb chumbydebug script, please post a detailed description of how you did it to the wiki. smile

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

This works with the latest software releases... but keep in mind that sshd is actually in /sbin/sshd and not /bin/sshd

Duane wrote:

1) The file must be called "debugchumby"
2) It must be at the root level of the file system on the USB  device
3) It must be marked executable

If it is a script (mostly likely), it should have the typical bang header:


This is not a feature you can count on - it may be removed or changed at any time.

Re: chumbydebug file/starting sshd

Ack Phtt!

This is a very, very old thread with relatively obsolete information about the chumby alpha prototypes.

Please see the wiki for more up-to-date info.