Topic: Offline chumby use, in no-network land (a hospital)
I'm interested in giving a Chumby to a friend who is in the hospital, with a severe head-injury. He recently awoke from his coma, and is just starting to show signs of positive cognitive activity.
Stimulus is a critical component to his recovery, and so the Chumby seems like a perfect little companion for him (apart from his girlfriend, who flew across the world and is with him as often as the hospital allows her to be).
The other issue- he/we live in the Bay Area, and he sustained the injury in Holland... so he is currently in an internet-free hospital in Amsterdam. Sending content for him up to a server, and having his girlfriend download it to Chumby from internet cafe's, makes a lot of sense- as does sending them content on USB thumb-drives, but reading thru many of the support forums here, it seems like Chumby just doesn't want to work without a network.
I'll have my own Chumby here in the US to play with, and to test content on, before sending it to the gang in Amsterdam. Likewise, I'd anticipate hacking Todd's Chumby before sending it to him.
Apart from really wanting to help Todd, I do think this is an amazing potential use for Chumby, and would hate to see it wasted on the device's dependency on a wifi connection.
Ideas? Thoughts? Help?