Topic: Missing use-case in Alarm Clock

I understand the point of the persistent alarm/snooze clock screen as it pertains to the use of the Chumby as an alarm clock. However, I'm using it as a timed media player, and I don't want that screen.  I want something like it, though:

Here's my use-case:

At 5:30pm on weekdays, my Chumby begins playing a live radio show.  It could do this by the FM tuner, but I've been using their internet stream. 

During the show, if someone interrupts me, I want to be able to quickly mute the show.  To do this requires me to 1) Press the bar 2) Click MUSIC 3) Click STOP 4) Click DONE 5) Press the bar.

The current alternative is to ask the alarm to display the alarm/snooze screen.  Then a screen stays up with single button that allows me to turn off the show with one button press. 

However, this completely dismisses the stream and I can't turn the stream back on without navigating the menus again.

At 6:00, the show is over, and the chumby then shuts off the stream.  However, if I used the alarm/snooze screen was selected, it remains on the screen for ... ever?   The Chumby stops displaying useful data, and instead tells me at a glance that a daily radio show happened... like it happens every weekday.

So, what I think I'm asking for is an alternate alarm/snooze screen.  I want a screen with a pause/unpause button.  When the alarm is done, I want the screen to go away and the Chumby to continue on where it was.

Re: Missing use-case in Alarm Clock

If you are using the Chumby One, and your mention of FM radio suggests you are, you could also quickly mute the show by spinning the volume knob down.