Topic: Chumby Funbox?

So what is it???? Chumby One replacement? … -for-that/

Re: Chumby Funbox?

It's a third-party licensed version of the Chumby One - much like the Insignia 3.5.

Re: Chumby Funbox?

So where does this FunBox stand?  Did it get renamed to the WowBox, or is it a yet-to-be-released device by another vendor?  I'm inclined to believe it's the WowBox, since the FCC ID shown via Wireless Goodness is "XWBCY35", and the model number of the WowBox 3.5 is CY35 -- "X + WowBox + ChumbY 3.5"

If my theory is correct, I do hope they plan to come down in price a little... for the $180 they ask for the WowBox 08, one could procure a decent 7-8" Android tablet, possibly even with a capacitive touch screen.  Considering the original Chumby 8 at one point retailed for $150, I can't imagine the price on components would go up significantly enough to justify a $30 price increase.  Heck, if they brought the WowBox 08's price down even to $150, I'd be inclined to pick one up.  Also, the 3.5 could probably use a price drop -- $99 might be able to catch some eyes, or maybe even $109, with some proper marketing... $135?  not so much.

I know Chumby Industries has nothing to do with how third parties price their devices, but I can wish, can't I?  smile

Re: Chumby Funbox?

Doktor Jones wrote:

Also, the 3.5 could probably use a price drop -- $99 might be able to catch some eyes, or maybe even $109, with some proper marketing... $135?  not so much.

The prices on Wow technologies site are in Singapore Dollars.  At today's (see time of this post) exchange rate:
$135 SGD is

$107.37 USD

$106.67 CAD

$100.59 AUD

$130.76 NZD

or just short of 68 quid if you prefer smile

Re: Chumby Funbox?

@Doktor Jones

It looks like the FunBox was the same as the WoWbox 3.5. Both had model number CY35. You pointed out the similarities. Pictures of them looked exactly the same. Both names were unfortunate choices in English- there are so many other things with the same names. Who knows, it might have just been a translation error. Everything on the web about the FunBox is based on that FCC application in late Sept and early October. I've only seen one post ever from a WowBox owner. It was on the Insignia forum. He had an 8" WowBox that was basically DOA. Of course, they told him to go away and try Chumby for support.